Turning Unmitigated Risks into Unprecedented Opportunities? | New York Weekly – “Fattal’s Survivability: Turning Threats into Advantages”.

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Turning Unmitigated Risks into Unprecedented Opportunities?

| New York Weekly – “Fattal’s Survivability: Turning Threats into Advantages”. |


Published by NY Weekly May 8, 2024.

In today’s interconnected world, multinational corporations and government entities face unprecedented security risks. These challenges are no longer confined to traditional cybersecurity threats but extend also into complex geopolitical events many of which are infused into highly sophisticated cyber-attacks compromising corporate profitability and national sovereignties worldwide.

This evolving threat landscape necessitates a shift in focus from mere security or cybersecurity to a broader, more comprehensive approach known as “Survivability.”

Khaled Fattal: A Unique Infusion of Unconventional Expertise

Photo Courtesy: Khaled Fattal

Khaled Fattal, recognized as one of the many fathers of the internet, stands at the forefront of this transformative strategic approach, advocating for a fundamental change in how we perceive, prepare for, and mitigate 21st-century cyber and non-cyber global threats. Fattal is also a Wall Street Journal and Amazon three-time international best-selling author, as well as chairman of the MLi Group with its many Survivability Subsidiaries such as Survivability Wealth Management, Survivability Recruitment, Cyber Insurance audit, and his Survivability News portal, to name a few, add serious depth to his credibility.

However, when you realise the fact that his best-seller book “Survivability“ had its foreword written by none other than the father of Supply-Side economics himself, Dr Arthur Laffer, you can add gravitas to this credibility.

Fattal’s expertise is rooted in a profound understanding of both international politics, diplomacy and technology.  His journey includes leadership and significant contributions to the development of the global Internet infrastructure, since the mid-90’s, leading to it becoming the multilingual internet it is today. This technical prowess is complemented by his strategic insights into the geopolitical landscape, gained through decades of navigating complex international arenas.

His unique experience and perspective enabled him to better understand and accurately predict the interplay between technology and geopolitical shifts, as well as their grave risks and opportunities over the last few decades, making him an invaluable asset in today’s security-conscious world.

If You Can’t Name the Threat, You Can’t Mitigate That Threat

In 2012, Fattal created the labels Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPCyber™) to better identify cyber-attacks that are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious,’ and/or geopolitically motivated to distinguish them from financially motivated cyber attacks.

He did this after observing in prior years a series of cyber security attacks on numerous national infrastructures that had seismic geopolitical and economic impacts on their respective target countries. This is because Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are significantly different from financially motivated cyber-attacks in damage, scale, and magnitude. They also have more dire direct & indirect impacts on nations, organizations, and their stakeholders, especially on citizens’ lives and livelihoods.

Solution Creation, Triggered by Visions of Looming Seismic Threats to Society

Fattal believed that if similar attacks became a growing trend, a new reality would emerge whereby cybersecurity would fail to defend and mitigate against such politically motivated attacks. His prediction turned into today’s nightmare. The world has witnessed in the last few years the biggest countries and technology companies getting breached routinely. Fattal called this ‘Hacking of the Un-Hackables,’ while his Survivability News has published many articles on this topic. He believed that this new reality would force a critical mindset change in top decision-makers, causing the need to change strategic focus from security or cybersecurity to survival for better mitigation effectiveness. Those who do would turn these unmitigated risks into competitive advantages. And those who don’t would suffer the impact and consequences.

This failure in recent years by national security and corporate cyber security strategies and solutions to effectively mitigate against these attacks and threats validates Fattal’s vision and vindicates his position even more.

Photo Courtesy: Khaled Fattal

Survivability Vs. Security / Cybersecurity

Survivability as a strategy was created by Fattal just after 2010 as chairman of the MLi Group. It is more than just a fancy marketing label or a mere consultancy group: it is a pioneer that infuses political, ideological, and geopolitical events and motivations with cyber and security risk and mitigation.

The Survivability concept was developed and has evolved in the last 15+ years in response to the increasingly hybrid nature of threats that straddle both the physical and digital worlds, involving intricate global political forces.

Survivability’s methodology is comprehensive, holistic, and dynamic, focusing on multiple pillars and audits, some of which many top decision-makers may have never heard of. One of the uniqueness of Fattal’s survival strategies is that security, technology, and cyber are some of the many critical components within it, but they are not the only ones. They also need to be significantly better implemented than they are today. How significant, you might ask? I asked Fattal the same question, and he replied, “Above and beyond the regulatory frameworks’ requirements and industry’s best practices.” They need to be constantly adaptive and multifaceted as they aim to counter the threats they aim to counter, especially in the realm of the escalating and unmitigated “Geo-Poli-Cyber Warfare” risks and threats that the world is increasingly impacted by today.

Why Survivability’s Approach Is More Effective

The efficacy of Fattal’s Survivability approach stems from its multiple focus on rigorous strategic political and geopolitical events, ramifications and analysis, technological developments and breakthroughs, as well as the latest in cybersecurity solutions and measures.

This allows Fattal’s MLi Group and his survivability subsidiaries to offer unique and unrivaled strategies and solutions that are not just technically sound but also add vital knowledge of global politics and geopolitics that are critically missing in C-suites and board rooms all over the world. For instance, a few months ago, MLi Group published its top 20 seismic & unmitigated cyber & non-cyber risks & threats of events in 2023 crippling economies, business models, plus national & corporate mitigation strategies worldwide to create awareness that these threats are very real. MLi Group also offered top decision-makers the opportunity to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to receive a no-obligation One-on-One Confidential Briefing with chairman Khaled Fattal.

Is “Survivability” Right for You? An Unconventional Strategic Approach

In March this year and for a limited time only, MLi Group created a “limited opportunity” for leaders and decision-makers to request an online, no obligation, complimentary Survivability Vs Security / Cybersecurity One-on-One 30 minutes briefing with its chairman Khaled Fattal. The session was a No sales, thought leadership and awareness engagement.

It often leads to identifying what unmitigated risk exposure the stakeholder is currently exposed to and did not know existed and which can directly impact their profitability, at a minimum. It represents a unique opportunity to become more aware of the risks of geopolitical events and their infused cyber attacks, their impact, and how to better mitigate them. Only then can they truly ensure the safeguarding and strengthening of their effective competitive edge proactively in an increasingly complex Geo-Poli-Cyber-impacted global landscape.

How Will You Survive Global Geopolitical Events, Ramifications, and Their Motivated Cyber Attacks?

Never before had evolving global security threats demanded truly innovative expertise like they do today, the kind that Khaled Fattal and MLi Group’s Survivability have been delivering for over a decade. By infusing deep geopolitical knowledge and analysis with cutting-edge technology and cybersecurity measures, they provide a more effective and unrivaled strategy and solutions to 21st-century unmitigated risks.

Survivability does not just better mitigate and defend; it also empowers and enables corporate and national leaders to turn unaddressed risks and vulnerabilities into market strengths, navigating the complex dynamics of the modern world with confidence and strategic foresight. It can potentially transform your security risk, threats, exposures, and challenges into a competitive advantage, fortifying your organization’s future.

Do you know what your Unmitigated Risks Are?

How often in the past have we heard of “Adapt or Die” being tossed around as a scare tactic? Well, for those who think this is one of those times, Fattal suggests you continue doing what you were before reading this interview.

However, for top decision makers who see the value in Fattal’s words, “Agility in Adaptability is Critical to Effective Competitive Survivability” and who want to discover what their unmitigated risks and threats truly are, with No Obligation, we suggest engaging directly with MLi group on Survivability.

On the occasion of the publishing of this interview, MLi Group and Khaled Fattal are making available to top decision makers like you the opportunity to “Identify Your Unmitigated Risks” 30-min One-on-One briefing, and until allocated time slots are filled.

Click here to book your complimentary 30-minute briefing courtesy of MLi Group (terms and conditions apply). For press interviews or any other inquiry, click here to submit your Expression of Interest (EOI).


Published By: Aize Perez / NY Weekly.

Fattal’s Survivability: Turning Threats into Advantages (nyweekly.com)

Fattal’s Survivability: Turning Threats into Advantages


The post Turning Unmitigated Risks into Unprecedented Opportunities? | New York Weekly – “Fattal’s Survivability: Turning Threats into Advantages”. appeared first on Survivability News | Powered By MLi Group.

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What Are
Cyber™ Risks?

What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?

MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPC™) in 2012 and 2013 based on the philosophy that if you cannot identify and name the threat, you cannot mitigate that threat.

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious’, and/or geo-politically motivated.

More Sinister Than Financial Motivations

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are significantly different from financially motivated cyber-attacks in damage, scale, magnitude as well as in risk mitigation strategies and solutions.

Click to read more

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