Our Corporate Ethos, Code of Practice, & How We Operate.
Although Survivability Recruitment™ is a business, we operate in the same ethos of our parent company the MLi Group. Money and profitability are NOT our only motivations.
Our primary goal is to help stakeholders who are our clients become better able to secure their effective and competitive cyber and non cyber survivability in the Era of Unprecedented threats.
Code of Practice
- We will NEVER recommend a talent for you to hire or retain you do not need.
- We will NEVER recommend a service for you to adopt or consider which you do not need.
- We are NOT a sales company.
- We do NOT have sales people, associates, or executives.
- Our executives who deal with clients or prospective clients are ‘Survivability Client Fulfilment Officers’.
How we Operate
- How we Operate
- Initial High Level Assessment Virtual Call or in-person Meeting
- Detailed in-depth follow up virtual Call or in-person Meeting.
- In-Depth Engagement.
- Comprehensive Process.
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